Create a Record

Creates a new model instance in your database then returns it's values.

POST /:model

Attributes can be sent in the HTTP body as form-encoded values or JSON.

Responds with a JSON object representing the newly created instance. If a validation error occurred, a JSON response with the invalid attributes and a 400 status code will be returned instead.

Additionally, a create event will be published to all listening sockets (see the docs for .watch() for more info).

If the action is triggered via a socket request, the requesting socket will ALSO be subscribed to the newly created model instance. If the record is subsequently updated or deleted, a message will be sent to that socket's client informing them of the change. See the docs for .subscribe() for more info.


Parameter Type Details
* ((string))
For POST (RESTful) requests, pass in body parameter with the same name as the attribute defined on your model to set those values on your new record. For GET (shortcut) requests, add the parameters to the query string.

Nested objects and arrays passed in as parameters are handled the same way as if they were passed into the model's .create() method.
callback ((string)) If specified, a JSONP response will be sent (instead of JSON). This is the name of the client-side javascript function to call, passing results as the first (and only) argument

e.g. ?callback=myJSONPHandlerFn


Create a record (REST)

Create a new pony named "AppleJack" with a hobby of "pickin".


POST /pony

JSON Request Body

  "name": "AppleJack",
  "hobby": "pickin"

Example Response

  "name": "AppleJack",
  "hobby": "pickin",
  "id": 47,
  "createdAt": "2013-10-18T01:23:56.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2013-11-26T22:55:19.951Z"

Create a record (shortcuts)


GET /pony/create?name=Shutterfly&best_pony=yep

Expected Response

 "name": "Shutterfly",
 "best_pony": "yep",
 "createdAt": "2014-02-24T21:02:16.068Z",
 "updatedAt": "2014-02-24T21:02:16.068Z",
 "id": 5

Examples with One Way Associations

You can create associations between models in two different ways. You can either make the association with a record that already exists OR you can create both records simultaneously. Check out the examples to see how.

These examples assume the existence of Pet and Pony APIs which can be created by hand or using the Sails CLI Tool. The Pony model must be configured with a pet attribute pointing to the Pet model. See Model Association Docs for info on how to do this.

Create record while associating w/ existing record (REST)

Create a new pony named "Pinkie Pie" and associate it with an existing pet named "Gummy" which has an id of 10.


POST /pony

JSON Request Body

  "name": "Pinkie Pie",
  "hobby": "ice skating",
  "pet": 10

Example Response

  "name": "Pinkie Pie",
  "hobby": "ice skating",
  "pet": {
    "name": "Gummy",
    "species": "crocodile",
    "id": 10
  "id": 4,
  "createdAt": "2013-10-18T01:22:56.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2013-11-26T22:54:19.951Z"

Create new record while associating w/ another new record (REST)

Create a new pony named "Pinkie Pie", an "ice skating" hobby, and a new pet named "Gummy".


POST /pony

JSON Request Body

  "name": "Pinkie Pie",
  "hobby": "ice skating",
  "pet": {
    "name": "Gummy",
    "species": "crocodile"

Expected Response