Find One

Returns a single record from the model as a JSON Object.

GET /:model/:id

The findOne() blueprint action returns a single record from the model (given by :modelIdentity) as a JSON object. The specified id is the primary key of the desired record.

If the action was triggered via a socket request, the requesting socket will be "subscribed" to the returned record. If the record is subsequently updated or deleted, a message will be sent to that socket's client informing them of the change. See the docs for .subscribe() for more info.


Parameter Type Details
The desired record's primary key value

e.g. /product/7
callback ((string)) If specified, a JSONP response will be sent (instead of JSON). This is the name of the client-side javascript function to call, passing results as the first (and only) argument

e.g. ?callback=myJSONPHandlerFn


Find the purchase with ID #1, E.g. http://localhost:1337/purchase/1


GET /purchase/1

Expected Response

   "amount": 49.99,
   "id": 1,
   "createdAt": "2013-10-18T01:22:56.000Z",
   "updatedAt": "2013-10-18T01:22:56.000Z"