
Returns the value of the parameter with the specified name.




req.param() searches the url path, query string, and body of the request for the specified parameter. If no parameter value exists anywhere in the request with the given name, it returns undefined.

  • url path parameters (req.params)
    • e.g. a request "/foo/4" to route /foo/:id has url path params { id: 4 }
  • query string parameters (req.query)
    • e.g. a request "/foo?email=5" has query params { email: 5 }
  • body parameters (req.body)
    • e.g. a request with a parseable body (e.g. JSON, url-encoded, or XML) has body parameters equal to its parsed value


Consider a route (POST /product/:sku) which points to a blueprint, controller, or policy with the following code:

// -> 123

We can get the expected result by sending the sku parameter any of the following ways:

  • POST /product/123
  • POST /product?sku=123
  • POST /product
    • with a JSON request body: { "sku": 123 }


  • If you'd like to get ALL parameters from ALL sources (including the URL path, query string, and parsed request body) you can use req.allParams().